Posted by Stigern | Posted on 23-04-2008
Category : Uncategorized
When porting over, or starting with C# it’s a good idea to have some decent tutorials. When I went from VB I had no clue how to start with C#. So I googled some nice tutorials, and bookmarked them.
I’ve been using them for some time now, and some are better than others. Or I like some better than others, since I learned more from them. So why not list them here? ๐
The first tutorial/lesson I found was one covering the basics of C#. Gives a good overview of the basics, and doesn’t get too complicated. So it’s a nice and smooth start.
Then there is this one, it’s more focused towards the visual C#, and most of the examples got pictures from the IDE showing what to do. So it’s also a very good resource.
I also use C# Wikibook as a reference when it’s something I’m stuck at, which is quite often. But my main reference is of course the MSDN-Libary, it got everything!
Also there are some tools for converting VB to C# and C# to VB ๐ DeveloperFusion got this one, then there is one called CodeTranslator here. My experience with these are mixed, they might convert some basic code. But mostly it’s like using babelfish 0.1 ๐
Also if you want some damn good video tutorials covering most parts of C# & .NET then you should check out It’s quite cheap and you get access to over 500 videos ๐ I’ve been member there for some weeks now, and it’s great! I find video tutorials easier to understand, and I can have them running while programming.
So this all is what I’m using to learn myself C#, and it’s going to take some time. I probably only scratched the surface at this point. If you read this, please leave a tip if you got some nice tutorials or other stuff about C# ๐