A long time ago I bought a small key chain camera from a random eBay shop, I knew the video quality had to be very bad considering it’s size, and I was right. But then I stumbled over a thread on RC group discussing just something similar to what I had bought. In fact it was identically looking, only the internals was better on the product discussed on rc groups.
I soon discovered I had bought a cheap china copy of a not so cheap china product hehe. The real hd key chain camera would record 720p in a decent quality.
So me and a friend went onto eBay to look for this #16 model, a real one that is. We found a great deal only 40$ including shipping for each 808. So I’m gonna do a quick review when mine arrives in mail. Until then, here is a sample video someone else recorded with the 808.
- 1/4” CMOS WXGA HD Sensor / H.264/AVC1 DSP / Hynix 512M DDR2
- Rechargeable LIPO Battery (250mah), with Battery Charger Manage IC
- Video: 720P HD H.264/AVC1 video codec, 1280 x 720 30fps .mov
- Photo: JPG 1280*960 (no degrading by upsizing to interpolated “5 megapixel” size)
- microSD card slot, supports up to 32GB
- USB2.0, plug and play, easy connection with computers, no driver needed.
- Super mini size, only around 50mm (L) x 32mm (W) x13mm (H)
- Super light-weighted: only approx 17g!
- Multifunctioned, you can use it as a mini DVR, a camera, a webcam, a removable USB drive.
Stay tuned!