Merry Christmas!

Category : Stuff

Just a short post wishing you all a Merry Christmas!


I also had some time to print some decorations with my 3d printers, nothing fancy, but they are decorative? Aren’t they?




I’m still alive! :P

Category : Stuff

I’m just writing this short post to let you know I’m still here, and I’m still checking my blog regularly. So it’s not that I have given up on it, I’ve just been busy lately.

So hang on, I’m going to post more projects etc soon!

Stigern.Net is back with wordpress!

Category : Stuff

Yep, installed wordpress again and migrated the posts from back to this blog.

Review: Cyber Clean

Category : Stuff

Yup! I just got Cyber Clean goo. Tried it on my Acer 5820 laptops keyboard and other small and dusty spaces, it does work. But if the space is too small it won’t go entirely into it, therefore not reaching deep enough to clean the dust.

Anyhow, it cleaned my keyboard nicely. It actually reached between the keys on my laptop, but not on my Logitech keyboard.

All in all, it’s a okay product. Not as revolutionary as they claim.


Cyber Clean works very well on car interior!

Merry Christmas!

Category : Stuff

And a happy new year!

Forums are back!

Category : Stuff

I’ve just set up the again, mostly for discussion around some of my guides and projects. But feel free to post and discuss other stuff.